Supporting the Arabic Content online by supporting its direction(RTL) on the web..

How to RTL your Tumblr Theme

Tumblr is a pretty interesting mini-blogging platform that's getting really popular recently. But with RTL, it's horrible! In the text editor, you cannot even right align your text and it strips off any inline styles if you try to add it yourself (I know!! totally unacceptable). In this tutorial I'll show you how to RTL your Tumblr theme completely or have it bidirectional.

WordPress Plugin: The RTLer

WordPress has this very easy and straight forward logic when it comes to RTLing themes. It simply checks for the direction of the language you're using in your WP installation, if it happens to be 'rtl'(Arabic for example) it includes the stylesheet rtl.css if it exists. This means that RTLing a WP theme is creating this rtl.css file. A detailed tutorial is coming up soon about RTLing WP themes

RTLing jCarousel (jQuery Plugin)

 jCarousel is a beautiful jQuery plugin. Personally it's one of my favorites! You can set up your caoursel up and running in just one line or two. Even theming it is easy. According to the project's page:

jCarousel is a jQuery plugin for controlling a list of items in horizontal or vertical order. The items, which can be static HTML content or loaded with (or without) AJAX, can be scrolled back and forth (with or without animation).

The only thing missing in this wonderful plugin is the RTL support. And in this tutorial, it won't miss it anymore.

RTLing GD Star Rating Plugin (WP) - Part 2: Fixing Different Icon sizes

When we RTLed the GD Star Rating Wordpress Plugin, we only added support for the default size of the icons(which is the 24px). In this quick and short post, we'll add support to the rest of the sizes so far: 12px, 16px, 20px, 30px and 48px. And since it's a small post, I'll show you how it's RTLed.

RTLing Twitter's Widget

The Twitter updates widget is maybe the most popular widget you can find on blogs. You can get yours from your settings page or by going to the goodies page and choosing widgets. Customizing it is super easy, you get to choose the colors, width and style of the widget itself. The direction though is always LTR. The good thing about the twitter is that it doesn't break in the RTL pages and it looks just fine. But to tweeples who tweet mostly in RTL languages (Like Arabic), it kind of doesn't fit in the RTL content of the whole page. Therefore, it's nice to see it flipped to go with the flow of their RTL page and tweets (what we are going to do now).

Background Images

Using backgrounds in CSS gives you the ability to control its position. It is done by controlling its position relativly to the 0,0 point which is the top left corner of the block. If you're rule has a background-position value of left top for example, flipping it to be right top wouldn't be a problem since right is a valid value.

RTLing a Hello World WebPage : RTLing


Now we'll start flipping the CSS. Copy the ltr folder and rename the new one rtl (It's ready in the Source you'll download, you can move it to another place if you want to practice it yourself).

In the index.html file change the path of the css file from ltr/styles.css to rtl/styles.css (what we did here is linking the new file we're going to flip)

Open the styles.css file in your new rtl folder to start flipping it.
