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How to RTL your Tumblr Theme

Tumblr is a pretty interesting mini-blogging platform that's getting really popular recently. But with RTL, it's horrible! In the text editor, you cannot even right align your text and it strips off any inline styles if you try to add it yourself (I know!! totally unacceptable). In this tutorial I'll show you how to RTL your Tumblr theme completely or have it bidirectional.

WordPress Plugin: The RTLer

WordPress has this very easy and straight forward logic when it comes to RTLing themes. It simply checks for the direction of the language you're using in your WP installation, if it happens to be 'rtl'(Arabic for example) it includes the stylesheet rtl.css if it exists. This means that RTLing a WP theme is creating this rtl.css file. A detailed tutorial is coming up soon about RTLing WP themes

RTLing jCarousel (jQuery Plugin)

 jCarousel is a beautiful jQuery plugin. Personally it's one of my favorites! You can set up your caoursel up and running in just one line or two. Even theming it is easy. According to the project's page:

jCarousel is a jQuery plugin for controlling a list of items in horizontal or vertical order. The items, which can be static HTML content or loaded with (or without) AJAX, can be scrolled back and forth (with or without animation).

The only thing missing in this wonderful plugin is the RTL support. And in this tutorial, it won't miss it anymore.
