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RTLing WP Theme: Keko

We RTLed a new nice Wordpress theme: Keko =)

It has very nice colors, structure and name too =)

RTLing this one was simple: Created a rtl.css with the RTLed styles from style.css and flipped 3 images which can be found at images/rtl.

Download it through the link below and enjoy =)

WordPress Plugin: The RTLer

WordPress has this very easy and straight forward logic when it comes to RTLing themes. It simply checks for the direction of the language you're using in your WP installation, if it happens to be 'rtl'(Arabic for example) it includes the stylesheet rtl.css if it exists. This means that RTLing a WP theme is creating this rtl.css file. A detailed tutorial is coming up soon about RTLing WP themes

RTLing GD Star Rating Plugin (WP) - Part 2: Fixing Different Icon sizes

When we RTLed the GD Star Rating Wordpress Plugin, we only added support for the default size of the icons(which is the 24px). In this quick and short post, we'll add support to the rest of the sizes so far: 12px, 16px, 20px, 30px and 48px. And since it's a small post, I'll show you how it's RTLed.